
Content Summary

Insights are about understanding who customers/users want to become. Observation helps to understand the what of user behaviour, talking to customers helps to understand the why of user behaviour and when combined, the insight about who do they want to become emerges.

This lecture explains the difference between what customers want and what they need. Customer understanding can be looked at from three separate levels: rational, emotional and empathic. The lecture argues all three perspectives are useful and we should leverage them. However, we can do that only when going to the customers and talking to them ourselves. Furthermore, we must not understand only what but also the why of user behaviour. When we are successful in understanding the “why”, we can understand who do they want to become – that is the insight. Finally, the lecture gives multiple examples of products and services helping customers become who they want to become.

 Further readings

  • Nadler, D.A. and Tushman, M.L. (1997) Competing by design: The power of organizational architecture. Oxford University Press.
  • Janićijević, N. (2011). Methodological approaches in the research of organizational culture. Economic Annals, 56(189), 69–99.
  • Schein, E. H. (1990). Organizational culture. American Psychological Association, 45(2), 109–119.